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Basic dashboard functions

Dashboard skeleton functions

Layout functions

Bootstrap 4 Layout utils

Boostrap 4 column system
bs4CardLayout() boxLayout()
Bootstrap 4 container for cards

Bootstrap 4 popovers, tooltips, toasts, alerts, … They replace {shinyBS} elements.

createAlert() closeAlert()
Create a Bootstrap 4 alert on the server side
popover() addPopover() removePopover()
Create a Bootstrap 4 popover from the UI side
Create an adminLTE toast
tooltip() addTooltip() removeTooltip()
Create a Bootstrap 4 Tooltip from the UI side

Update functions

Dynamically update UI elements

Body content functions

Functions that are to be used in the dashboardBody

Functions that are to be used in the dashboardSidebar

bs4DashSidebar() updatebs4Sidebar() bs4SidebarMenu() bs4SidebarMenuItem() bs4SidebarMenuSubItem() bs4SidebarHeader() bs4SidebarUserPanel() updatebs4TabItems() dashboardSidebar() updateSidebar() sidebarHeader() sidebarMenu() sidebarUserPanel() menuItem() menuSubItem() updateTabItems()
Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar
Create a sidebar menu output (client side)
Create a sidebar menu item output (client side)
Create a dynamic menu output for bs4Dash (client side)
Create dynamic menu output (server side)

Header content functions

Functions that are to be used in the dashboardHeader

navbarTab() navbarMenu() updateNavbarTabs()
Navbar tab item
bs4DashBrand() dashboardBrand()
Alternative to simple text title
bs4UserMenu() dashboardUserItem() userOutput() renderUser() dashboardUser()
Bootstrap 4 user profile.
bs4DropdownMenu() messageItem() notificationItem() taskItem() dropdownMenu()
Boostrap 4 dashboard dropdown menu
Create a dropdown menu output (client side)

Controlbar content functions

Functions that are to be used in the dashboardControlbar


Main containers

Box toolbar components

Build dropdown menu in the tool area (close, collapse)

cardDropdown() cardDropdownItem() boxDropdown() boxDropdownItem()
Create a box dropdown item list
bs4CardLabel() cardLabel() boxLabel()
Create a label for Boostrap 4 card
bs4CardSidebar() updatebs4CardSidebar() cardSidebar() boxSidebar() updateCardSidebar() updateBoxSidebar()
Create a sidebar for Boostrap 4 card
Create a box dropdown divider
Dropdown header helper

Tabs elements

Functions that are to be used in tabBox or standalone. They overwrite {shiny} default to be compatible with Bootstrap 4.

Insert a tabPanel in a tabsetPanel
Create a tabsetPanel
pagination() paginationItem() updatePagination()
Bootstrap 4 pagination widget


New inputs compatible with Bootstrap 4.

Bootstrap 4 Action button/link
AdminLTE2 special large button

Box extra elements

Add more shiny elements to your cards

AdminLTE3 attachment container
bs4SocialCard() userBlock() cardComment() socialBox() boxComment()
AdminLTE3 social card
descriptionBlock() cardPad() bs4Card() updatebs4Card() box() updateCard() updateBox() boxPad()
AdminLTE3 description block
cardProfile() cardProfileItem() boxProfile() boxProfileItem()
AdminLTE3 card profile
bs4Ribbon() ribbon()
Boostrap 4 ribbon
productList() productListItem()
AdminLTE3 product list container
bs4UserCard() bs4UserDescription() userBox() userDescription()
AdminLTE3 widget user card
userList() userListItem()
AdminLTE3 user list container
userMessages() userMessage() updateUserMessages()
AdminLTE3 user message container
userPost() userPostTagItems() userPostTagItem()
AdminLTE3 user post
AdminLTE3 user post media

Sortable UI

Sort elements such as cards

bs4Sortable() sortable()
BS4 sortable section

Render functions

Dynamically generate items

Other Bootstrap 4 items

To better customize your app

CSS extras

Pimp your app

AdminLTE3 skin selector
Plot auto-color module
Get all AdminLTE colors.

bs4Dash showcase

Launch the bs4Dash Gallery